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Listed Building record MDR23601 - Breach Farm Farmhouse, Breach Road, Denby

Type and Period (1)

  • (Elizabethan to 21st Century - 1600 AD? to 2050 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Breach Farm farmhouse, Breach Road, Denby, originally built c1600. From the National Heritage List for England: 'SK 44 NW PARISH OF DENBY BREACH ROAD 2/1 (East Side) Breach Farmhouse 25.11.63 (formerly listed in Codnor Parish as 'Codnor Breach Farm- house, Denby Common') GV II Farmhouse. 1600 with early C18 rear additions and C20 alterations and additions. Original farmhouse is of coursed squared sandstone with sandstone dressings and quoins, window openings now mostly replaced in concrete, plus steeply pitched red plain tile roof with large central brick ridge stack and moulded stone copings on moulded kneelers to all gables. Rear additions are of red brick with vitrifed headers and have stone dressings and plain tile roofs with a brick gable stack to north of the western range. There is also a C20 pebbledashed lean-to across back of rear ranges. Two storeys plus attics and three bays. Main elevation has central, gabled, two storey porch with chamfered flush quoined doorcase under drip- mould and with C20 plank door. To either side the porch has small circular windows with dripmoulds, and beyond to either side are large C20 concrete 3-light recessed and chamfered mullion windows, also with dripmoulds. Above are two large C20 single pane case- ments in recessed concrete openings with dripmoulds over and above in the porch is an original C17 single light recessed and chamfered window with dripmould. Immediately over this in the gable, is a diamond shaped plaque inscribed 'RCC 1600'. To either side of porch are similar circular windows to those below. Above again to either side are full gabled dormers with recessed and chamfered 2-light mullion windows with dripmoulds, in concrete. West gable wall has similar windows also replaced in concrete. Rear additions have C20 windows under C18 stone dripmoulds. Each northern gable has two oval brick windows with four keystones. Interior has inglenook fireplaces and in attic is part of a staircase removed from Alfreton Hall. Listing NGR: SK4109647678.' (1)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 41096 47678 (point)

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Record last edited

Jan 23 2023 3:58PM

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