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Listed Building record MDR460 - Upper House, Kinder Road, Hayfield

Type and Period (1)

  • (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

SK 0623 8784: Kinder Upper House: (SK 06238785) Upper House (NAT). (1) Kinder Upper House, 16th century and later, is a one-storey and two- storey, stone-built, quadrangular house with stone slated roofs and stone stacks. There are stone mullioned windows,a two-storey porch and embattled parapets in some sections. The hall, which has a date 1754 above the door,probably referring to the date of renovation, contains some fine wood-work in the roof which is said to have come from a Cheshire church. (2) Big quadrangular stone house, mostly 20th century, but of various dates since 16th centruy. Fine medieval wooden roof in an outbuilding, said to have come from a Cheshire church and certainly of that type. (3) Upper House was formerly a farmhouse, then turned into a hunting lodge. It is dated 1754, with substantial additions dated 1905. It is built from coursed squared gritstone and rock-faced gritstone rubble with gritstone dressings and stone slate roofswith a stone gable end and ridge chimney stacks. The stone coped gables have moulded kneelers. It is partly two storey and partly single storey. It is quadrangular in plan, with a central courtyard. The west elevation has the 18th century farmhouse to the south and a central doorcase with modern glazed door, to either side of which there are three-light flush mullion windows, that to north being much enlarged. Above there is one four-light and one three-light flush mullion window. To the north there is an early 20th century wing in rock-faced rubble, ending in a crosswing, also an embattled tower abutting the earlier farmhouse. The tower has a four-centred moulded arch to the porch above which there is a three-light mullioned window with dripmould over and a sundial. There is an inner pointed door with Gothick tracery. To the north there are two five-light and one three-light mullion windows with dripmoulds over. There are various single light windows, including an oval window. Above there are three two-light and one five-light similar mullioned windows, with two single light openings, one being oval. All the dressings to this wing are rock-faced. The northern range is in a similar style except that the stonework is coursed. The western section has embattled parapets with various mullioned or single light windows with dripmoulds over. There is a large pointed arch through to the courtyard. Beyond to the east there is a lower garage wing. The south elevation has an embattled two storey tower with a four-centred arch below and two stepped buttresses. There is a four-light mullion window above with round headed lights and a dripmould over with scroll stops. There is bartizan to the east corner of the tower. To the east there is a single storey hall with low eaves, through which protrudes a large mullioned and transomed window with leaded lights and stained glass in parts. The door to the east has a lintel dated 1905. To the west there is a two-light mullion window. The east wing is single storey with two and three-light mullion windows. The internal courtyard is paved and cobbled. The rear of the building is in keeping with the facades. There are four semi-circular steps to the hall door with a lintel dated 1754. The interior of the hall has fine medieval timbers re-used from a church, in the ceiling and on the walls. (4) Kinder Upper House barn is a vernacular building dated to 1754, as indicated by datestone, and altered at a later date. (5)

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1980. 1:10 000.
  • <2> Bibliographic reference: DOE (HHR) Derby High Peak.
  • <3> Index: North Derbyshire Archaeological Trust (NDAT). North Derbyshire Archaeological Trust Index: 3811. 3811.
  • <4> Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England. List entry number 1334819.
  • <5> Index: Evans, R. 1976. Some dated vernacular buildings in Derbyshire.



Grid reference Centred SK 0621 8785 (39m by 47m) Centre

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Record last edited

Jan 18 2024 10:59PM

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