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Listed Building: COACH HOUSE AT CARNFIELD HALL (1108932)

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Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 1261, 12, 156
Date assigned 08 July 1966
Date last amended 23 January 2023


'This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 24 January 2023 to amend a typo in the description and to reformat the text to current standards SK 45 NW 12/156 PARISH OF SOUTH NORMANTON CARNFIELD HILL (South Side) Coach-house at Carnfield Hall 8.7.66 GV II Stable block and coach house, now part dwelling and part retail facility for garden centre. Mid C18 with some C20 alterations. MATERIALS: Coursed rubble Coal Measures sandstone with ashlar dressings and quoins. Welsh slate roof with stone coped gables on moulded kneelers and three short stone ridge stacks. EXTERIOR: Two storeys and nine bays. Main front has three tall, adjoining semi-circular headed arches with quoined jambs and raised keystones to bays four, five and six, central arch with passage way through the building and left arch with double board doors. These are flanked by two-light flush mullioned windows, that to right blocked. Beyond to either side there are chamfered semi-circular headed doorcases, also with quoined jambs and raised keystones. Beyond again to left another two-light flush mullion window and beyond again to right two similar windows flanking a semi-circular headed doorcase. Above nine, irregularly spaced two-light flush mullion windows, all with 20 pane casements.Rear elevation has similar windows to first floor and a similar arch to opposite end of the passage. Northern end converted into a house with C20 openings. South end with glazed C20 lean-to addition forming part of garden centre retail facilities. INTERIOR: Partially inspected, with opposed doors at south end giving access to added C20 facilities for retail facility. Massive spine beams and heavy joists to first floor,accessed by means of C20 wooden stair. Bolection moulded fireplace to one side of passage through the building. HISTORY: The stable block was built to the west of Carnfield Hall (q.v.)at the time of a major remodelling of the hall which saw a reversal of the main elevations. SETTING: The coach house now forms part of an extensive garden centre development, with new buildings developed to the south, and with open retail areas to the east and south east. Forms a group with Carnfield Hall (q.v.) REASONS FOR DESIGNATION: The Coach House at Carnfield Hall is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons: * The building is a well-preserved example of a large scale C18 coach house and stable range built to serve a country house. * The building displays architectural detailing characteristic of the building type and representative of its former function. * The former Coach House is representative of the distinctive vernacular masonary building traditions of the North Derbyshire region. * Together with Carnfield Hall, the building forms part the development of a notable Country House ensemble, and remains an important element of the setting of Carnfield Hall, and of the Carnfield Hall Conservation Area. Listing NGR: SK4253256054'.

External Links (1)

Sources (1)

  • Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 42532 56054 (point)
Map sheet SK45NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Mar 24 2025 1:15PM

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