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Listed Building: CHURCH FARMHOUSE, CHURCH STREET (1335326)

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Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 461, 4, 10
Date assigned Wednesday, December 29, 1982
Date last amended


'SK 35 SE PARISH OF CRICH CHURCH STREET 4/l0 (North Side) 29-12-82 Church Farmhouse GV II House, formerly a farmhouse. Mid C18, with C19 refashioning and C20 alterations. Coursed rubble gritstone with quoins, coped gables with moulded kneelers reconstructed end ridge stacks, and a welsh slated roof. 'L'plan, with former single storey outbuilding to east end now incorporated into the dwelling, the remaining three bays two storey. Stacked C19 sashes to house, within surrounds of former flush mullioned windows, the openings subsequently enlarged. Former loft opening on south wall now a sash framed window. Central doorway to house part with quoined surround and massive lintel. Six panelled door with upper two panels now glazed lights. The building was restored in 1984/5. Listing NGR: SK3569052960.'

External Links (1)

Sources (1)

  • Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 35690 52960 (point)
Map sheet SK35SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jan 21 2023 9:54PM

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