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Listed Building: THE OLD RECTORY (1109693)

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Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 479, 5, 92
Date assigned 12 July 1985
Date last amended


SK 24 SW PARISH OF SHIRLEY CHURCH LANE 5/92 (East Side) The Old Rectory GV II Rectory now house. C14 origins, much altered in C17, C18 and C19. Coursed squared sandstone in large blocks. Red brick, plain tile roof and stone coped gables with plain kneelers. Large brick ridge stack and a brick gable end stack. Two storeys, L-plan. West elevation,double fronted. Central doorway with stone lintel and shallow curved hood. Plank door flanked on each side by 3-light C19 casement windows under wedge lintels. Two similar windows above under flat arches, either side of a narrower and taller central window. Inside are chamfered beams and one fireplace with stone lintel on carved brackets. In an internal upper wall is a blocked 2-light C17 chamfered mullion window. In the roof space in the gable end towards the church is reputed to be the jamb and hoodmould with head stops of a C14 window, at which time the rectory belonged to Dale Abbey. Listing NGR: SK2189341624

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Grid reference SK 2189 4162 (point)
Map sheet SK24SW

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Record last edited

Jun 12 2023 2:04AM

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