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Listed Building: THE ROW, Great Cubley (west side) (1203973)

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Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 478, 5, 22
Date assigned Friday, July 19, 1985
Date last amended Tuesday, June 19, 2007


The Row, Great Cubley (west side). Nos. 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4 & 5. Six cottages in three pairs. Early C19, with late C20 alterations and extensions to the rear. Red brick with brick dressings except two central cottages which have stone lintels and sills. PLAN: Symmetrical linear arrangement of 3 pairs of cottages, with a 2-bay central pair and flanking ranges of 4 bays. Each pair of cottages has set back single bay service wings attached to the rear elevation. EXTERIOR: Each pair of cottages has a hipped plain tile roof with a large central brick ridge stack and a saw-tooth brick eaves band. The central cottages are each of single bay but the flanking cottages are each two bays, all two storeys. Central cottages have a central semi-circular headed doorcase with blocked top and C20 door. To either side are 3-light casements with single glazing bars to each light beneath wedge lintels. Above are two similarly detailed flat-headed 3-light casements. The entrance to the northern cottage is in the north gable wall. The southern pair of cottages have 3-light glazing bar casements under segment heads to centre and similar 2-light windows to the sides. Above are two central 3-light flat-headed glazing bar casements and similar 2-light windows to the sides. Entrance doorcases to gable walls, with mainly C20 replacements of original plank doors beneath divided overlights. The northern pair of cottages are detailed to match the southern pair. INTERIORS: Not inspected. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANCE: Nos 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4 and 5, The row, Cubley, are of special architectural interest as a planned development of early C19 workers cottages, thought to have been built by a local estate, where the symmetry of the planned layout and the careful detailing of the individual 2 cottage groupings has undergone little significant alteration. Listing NGR: SK1646038283

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Grid reference SK 16448 38299 (point)
Map sheet SK13NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Jun 27 2007 10:54AM

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