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Site record MDR10190 - Site of Railway Goods Shed, off Langwith Maltings, Langwith

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Former site of Langwith Maltings, off Langwith Maltings, Scarcliffe, built in 1876, demolished in 1997. The building was subject to vandalism in the 1990s, resulting in a partial collapse. Listed Building Consent was therefore granted for demoliton on 4 July 1997, and the building was subsequently demolished. (2) Previously Grade II listed as: 'Maltings. Dated 1876, some C20 alterations. For W and S. Birkitt. Red brick in English Bond with yellow brick dressings; Welsh slate roof partially replaced by concrete tiles. Mostly 3 storeys and attic. An elongated range of 27 x 5 bays under double roof but with transverse roofs over north end and over the mid-range kilns; barley kiln projects from north-west corner. Flush bands of yellow brick at cills and imposts of segmentally-arched windows; unaltered windows have 4 horizontal iron bars and internal sliding shutters. East side (facing railway): 3-bay gable to far right has slated canopy over taking-in doors within boarded hoist housing; apex of gable topped by slate-clad housing for grain elevators. Germinating floors occupy 13 bays to left: 2 ground-floor doorways otherwise windows to each floor on each bay; date plaque beneath eaves. Next to bays are the malt kilns with arched ground-floor doorways, blind middle floor and bricked-up windows above; C20 heat-exchanger unit obscures central bays. Kilns have hipped roof topped by 3 rectangular vents with slate-hung sides and arched canopies covered by corrugated sheeting. To left of the kilns are 5 bays generally detailed as rest but obscured by C20 additions (a straight joint on west side shows 2 south end bays are later). North end: bay 1 openings infilled; barley kiln to far right has vehicle entrance beneath and has hipped roof with slate-hung ventilator as other kilns. Interior: north end is the barley end for processing, drying and storing incoming grain. Wooden spine beams on cast-iron columns; grain elevators, wooden garners beneath attic walkway; green-post roof. Kiln interior has been altered. Germinating floors are tiled and divided into 3 main aisles each served by a steeping pit at north end and kiln to the south. The upper floors supported on cast-iron columns; attic space with queen-post roof. The Malt Kilns have ground-floor furnaces which heat stones in a mid-floor chamber beneath the kiln floors - the original pierced tiles now replaced by wire grills. A good example of a mid-sized maltings which clearly expresses the processes involved. Listing NGR: SK5262969672.'

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2003. Listed Building Advice Report: Langwith Maltings, Scarcliffe, Bolsover, Derbyshire. Case Number 467793.



Grid reference SK 52664 69674 (point)

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Record last edited

Feb 22 2025 2:50PM

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