Monument record MDR1261 - Lime kiln and quarry, High Wheeldon, Hartington Middle Quarter
Type and Period (1)
- LIME KILN (Tudor to Victorian - 1540 AD to 1880 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Full Description
'Old Limekiln' is marked at this site on the 1st ed. 25" Ordnance Survey map of c. 1880. (1).
Decaying but recognisable post medieval kiln. Much of the stonework remains. (2).
This field kiln, probably of 19th century type, is built on a low natural outcrop at the top of a steep slope. It is circular and retained downslope by a drystone wall, now in an advanced state of collapse. There is a small possible terraced platform on one side, possibly associated with emptying the kiln. The quarry dug to feed the kiln is a short distance to the south. The kiln was disused by 1880, as it is marked on the Ordnance Survey first edition map as 'old limekiln'. (3).
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SDR18789 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1882. OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).
- <2> SDR19109 Bibliographic reference: Hill, R (PPJPB). 1985. Peak Park Treasures. Hill, R: 1985: C204.
- <3> SDR20251 Unpublished document: Barnatt, J (PDNPA). 1993. High Wheeldon, Hartington Middle Quarter, Derbyshire, archaeological survey, 1993. No.2.
Grid reference | Centred SK 1013 6612 (22m by 21m) (Centre) |
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- EDR3743
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Record last edited
Jun 8 2017 3:12PM