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Listed Building record MDR13397 - Pair of Mortuary Chapels, Cemetery Road, Clay Cross

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Pair of mortuary chapels, Cemetery Road, Clay Cross, built in 1878. There are two adjoining Mortuary Chapels in Clay Cross Cemetery shown on the 2nd edition 25" Ordnance Survey map of c1900, the western chapel is Church of England, the eastern is Nonconformist. (1) From the National Heritage List for England: 'SK 36 SE TOWN OF CLAY CROSS CEMETERY ROAD 2/21 (North Side) Cemetery Chapels II Pair of adjoining cemetery chapels. 1878. Red brick with sandstone dressings. Slate roofs with crested terracotta ridge tiles. Stone coped gables, gableted to eaves and ridge, with moulded kneelers. Ridge finials. Plinth. Corbelled eaves. Two adjoining chapels with central porches to either side. Central tower between to south,with trefoil headed lancet to south and Caernarvon arched door to west. Quatrefoil windows with hoodmoulds, to all sides above. To either side of tower, pointed 3-light windows with geometric tracery set in recess. Hoodmoulds over. Above, stringcourse and three, blocked up, stepped niches. Above, in tower, louvred mullion and transomed bell openings to all sides with cusped lights. Carved string- course over with corner gargoyles. Pyramidal spire above with corner pinnacles and traceried lucarnes to sides. Similar, smaller, lucarnes over to all sides. East elevation: central gabled porch with double chamfered pointed doorcase with hood- mould. Four-centred arched door with tracery above. Stringcourse over, two florets and a blocked niche in gable. To north and south sides of porch, 2-light chamfered mullion windowsin terracotta. Trefoil headed lancets to either side. West elevation identical. Interiors very plain. Eastern chapel used as store. Western chapel with plain wooden pews. Listing NGR: SK3973562870.' (2)

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1882. OS County Series, 1st edition, scale 1:2500 (c. 25" to one mile).
  • <2> Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 39735 62870 (point)

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

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Record last edited

Mar 6 2025 12:29PM

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