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Monument record MDR1709 - Snel's Low Bowl Barrow, Snelslow Plantation, Peak Forest

Type and Period (5)

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Full Description

SK 1189 7942 : SNEL'S LOW, ROUND BARROW Tumulus. (1) Published survey 1/2500 correct. Maximum height of barrow 1.8m. (2) Excavation in 1971 by Barry Marsden indicated a central cairn covered by a capping of clay loam. The central cairn measured 5m in diameter and was 0.6m high. This covered a clay layer placed over the primary crouched inhumation, the latter had been placed on the old ground surface and had been partly removed by previous disturbance. An earthen covering mound placed over the central cairn had increased the size of the mound significantly, Marsden's excavations were not extensive enough to establish whether this was associated with further burials. An intrusive child inhumation, extended lying on its back, had been inserted into the mound from above, suggesting it may be of later date. Scattered within the central cairn were a flint fabricator, a broken flake knife and fifteen flint flakes. There was part of an ox humerus on the old ground surface. Scattered adolescent bones in the cairn may have come from the disturbed inhumation, but there was also a burnt adult humereus. Dimensions: The former SMR entry records the diameter as 41ft and height as 1.8m. Marsden (6) recorded the diameter as 12.5m and height as 0.6m. The most recent survey of the site indicated that the edges of the mound were poorly defined, the site is presently in a wood with dense undergrowth, which prevents accurate assessment, where visible the following measurements were suggested, Length: c.16m, Breadth: 12m, Height: c.0.5m. (7) Snelslow Plantation is in the north-west uplands of the limestone plateau of Derbyshire. The monument is a bowl barrow including a sub-circular mound measuring 16m by 12m and standing c.1.75m high. A partial excavation of the barrow was carried out by Marsden in 1971 when it was found that the large earthen barrow concealed a smaller central limestone cairn with a height of 0.6m and a diameter of 5m. This cairn covered a layer of clay beneath which were the remains of a crouched inhumation in addition to a second disturbed inhumation and some burnt human bone indicative of a cremation burial. Numerous flint artefacts were also found within the cairn whilst above it, inserted into the earth mound, was found the extended skeleton of a child. The latter was a secondary burial and indicates the later re-use of the barrow. The primary remains date the monument to the Bronze Age. (8)

Sources/Archives (8)

  • <1> Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1955. 6".
  • <2> Personal Observation: F1 JB 06-JAN-66.
  • <3> Article in serial: Marsden, B. 1976. 'The excavation of the Snels Low and Lean Low round cairns', Derbyshire Archaeological Journal. Vol. 96. pp 5-9.
  • <4> Index: NDAT. 1710. 1710.
  • <5> Index: NDAT. 2694. 2694.
  • <6> Bibliographic reference: Marsden, B. 1977. The Burial Mounds of Derbyshire. p 85.
  • <7> Unpublished document: Barnatt, J. 1989. The Peak District Barrow Survey (updated 1994). Site 8:1.
  • <8> Scheduling record: English Heritage. 1993. Scheduling Notification: Snelslow Plantation bowl barrow.


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Grid reference Centred SK 1189 7942 (17m by 17m) (Centre)

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Record last edited

Mar 18 2015 11:51AM

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