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Listed Building record MDR20819 - Holly Bush Farm Farmhouse, Pikehall, Ballidon

Type and Period (1)

  • (Stuart to 21st Century - 1700 AD? to 2050 AD)

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Full Description

Holly Bush Farm farmhouse, Pikehall, Ballidon, an 18th century building. 'Holly Bush Farm is a partially extant 18th century farmstead. The farmstead is of a dispersed plan arranged as a cluster of buildings. The site is located within or in association to a hamlet. There has been a partial loss (less than 50%) of traditional buildings.' (1-4) From the National Heritage List for England: 'SK 15 NE PARISH OF BALLIDON PIKEHALL 2/14 (South Side) Holly Bush Farmhouse GV II Farmhouse. C18. Coursed rubble limestone, rendered with gritstone dressings. Slate roof with stone coped gables with moulded kneelers. Stone gable end stacks. Coved eaves band. Angle quoins. Two and a half storeys. North elevation, three bays. Off-centre doorway with quoins and lintel. C19 six panelled door, the top two panels glazed. Flanked on each side by 2-light square section flush mullion windows with glazing bar casements. Two similar windows above and two similar, but smaller, windows above again. Listing NGR: SK1930559092.' (5)

Sources/Archives (6)

  • --- Unpublished document: Thomson, J (TJC). 2018. Holly Bush Farm, Pikehill, Derbyshire: Archaeological Watching Brief.
  • <1> Digital data: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Digital Dataset.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Character Statements.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Project Report.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Historic England. 2016. Peak District National Park Historic Farmsteads Project: Design Guidance.
  • <5> Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 19305 59092 (point)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • EDR4255
  • EDR5088

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Record last edited

May 13 2024 1:49PM

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