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Monument record MDR2112 - East Bowl Barrow, 142m north-west of Bowl Barrow west of Castlegate, Little Longstone

Type and Period (1)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

SK 1817 7288: Hay Dale, ?Round Barrow: Dimensions: diameter is 11m (12 paces), height is 0.3m (9 in.). A mound 28 paces east of SMR 9305 and apparently ploughed out. In 1972 L. Cooper identified it as very low and barely visible. (1) This virtually ploughed-out mound is so poorly preserved it is unplanable. It is a maximum of 0.2m high. It may be a barrow but alternatively could be fortuitous - if it wasn't adjacent to site 4:3 it probably wouldn't appear to be of any significance. (2) The monument are situated overlooking Hay Dale on the limestone plateau of Derbyshire. It comprises a single area containing two bowl barrows located c.10m apart and the area between the barrows in which archaeological remains preserving their relationship will survive. The smaller eastern barrow [SMR 9306] is roughly circular, has a diameter of c.10m and survives to a height of c.0.5m. It has been ploughed down in the past and would originally have stood somewhat higher. The eastern half of the adjacent barrow [SMR 9305] has also been levelled by ploughing though it is still clearly visible beneath the drystone wall which crosses the barrow from north to south. The western half of this barrow has been slightly disturbed by stone-robbing but is otherwise intact and stands to a height of c.1m. It measures 14m from north to south and roughly half that measurement from east to west, indicating that it too was roughly circular but somewhat larger than the barrow to the east. No recorded excavation of either barrow has been carried out but their appearance and proximity to other barrows of the period indicate both to be of Bronze Age date. (3)

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Index: NDAT. 1400.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Barnatt, J. 1989. The Peak District Barrow Survey (updated 1994). Site 4:19.
  • <3> Scheduling record: English Heritage. 1993. Scheduling Notification. 13382. Cat. No.: 313.


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Grid reference Centred SK 1817 7289 (39m by 21m) (Centre)

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Record last edited

Dec 19 2007 5:26PM

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