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Listed Building record MDR2350 - Pindale/Ashtons Mine, Pindale Road, Hope

Type and Period (3)

  • (Georgian - 1750 AD to 1800 AD)
  • (Georgian to Victorian - 1750 AD to 1850 AD?)
  • (Georgian to Victorian - 1750 AD to 1850 AD?)

Protected Status/Designation

Full Description

Pindale or Ashton's Mine pumping engine house and square chimney (see plan - Authority 7), still survive at Pindale Farm. An agreement, dated 1743, to drive a drainage sough may indicate that the sough was in operation during the following decade. In 1800-1802 the mine was producing more lead than Odin Mine. (3,9) The Pindale Engine House stood adjacent to the chimney of the mine. (4) 'Mine (dis)' is marked on the 1976 OS map. (6) The mine chimney & engine house are complete and in good condition, with the shaft adjacent. The building has been restored and pointed. It is now the only complete dual winding and pumping engine house left in the Park and one of the very few left anywhere in the country in good condition. (12) The former engine house of the Pindale (or Ashton's Mine), with a smithy and small outbuildings. Well preserved two storey horizontal engine house and chimney. Little remains of the boiler house. The shaft has been sealed but the surrounding hillock remains with retaining walls in parts. A powder house is set behind to the east. (13) Pindale Mine Engine House and attached chimney (formerly listed as 'Pindale Mine Chimney'). Grade II listed engine house and chimney, to a former lead mine. Built of coursed rubble stone with gritstone dressings and with a slate roof. Two storey engine house with tall round arched opening to the east and to the south a doorway with a window above, each with a stone lintel. Lower stone coped wall to the west attached to the chimney, which is square in plan with a rock faced stone band at approximately half height above which the chimney tapers inwards to coped top. The chimney was restored in 1976. (14) Early 19th century limestone chimney, square on planwith string course with accompanying low building. Restored by Peak District Mines Historical Society. (15)

Sources/Archives (14)

  • <1> Article in serial: Green A H. 1887. The Geology of North Derbyshire (BGS).
  • <2> Article in serial: Chatburn, H E. 1962. 'The surface remains of Dirtlow Rake', Bulletin of the Peak District Mines Historical Society. Volume 1, Number 7. pp 22-26.
  • <4> Bibliographic reference: Council for British Archaeology (CBA). 1975. Panel on Industustrial Monuments. 7.
  • <5> Bibliographic reference: Harris, H. 1971. Industrial Archaeology of the Peak District. p 219.
  • <6> Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1976. 6".
  • <7> Verbal communication: Rieuwerts, J. 1988. Pers. Comm..
  • <8> Unpublished document: Rieuwerts, J. 1981. A technological History of the Drainage of the Derbyshire Lead Mines.
  • <9> Bibliographic reference: Ford, T & Rieuwerts, J. 1983. Lead Mining in the Peak District, 3rd edition. pp 42, 48-50, 54.
  • <10> Personal Observation: Rieuwerts, J. 1988. Pers. Comm..
  • <11> Index: North Derbyshire Archaeological Trust (NDAT). North Derbyshire Archaeological Trust Index. unnumbered.
  • <12> Index: Council for British Archaeology (CBA). CBA Industrial Archaeology Report Card. Ashtons Mine.
  • <13> Bibliographic reference: Barnatt, J. 2004. An Inventory of Regionally & Nationally Important Lead Mining Sites in the Peak District. Vol. 2: Corpus of Sites. No. B1, p 173.
  • <14> Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.
  • <15> Bibliographic reference: Fowkes, D (ed.). 2004. Derbyshire Industrial Archaeology: A Gazetteer of Sites, Part I, Borough of High Peak (second edition). pp. 34.


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Grid reference Centred SK 1630 8257 (60m by 47m) Centre

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Record last edited

Jan 18 2024 11:16PM

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