Monument record MDR82 - Round cairn, Stoop High Edge, Hartington Middle Quarter
Type and Period (4)
- ROUND CAIRN (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- CREMATION (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- INHUMATION (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
- GRAVE (Bronze Age - 2350 BC to 701 BC)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
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Full Description
SK 0616 6843: Stoop High Edge, Round Cairn. A ruined cairn with a curb on the south-west side, 60 ft in diameter, upon Stoop High Edge, near Hollinsclough, 3¼ miles south-south-east of Buxton, was opened between 1894 and 1898 and contained early Bronze Age burials. [Booth - High Edge is referred to by Turner as more northerly than Stoop - High Edge. It seems more likely therefore that one is the site referred to rather than the tumulus at SK 0610 6905 which is on 'High Edge' (O.S. 6")]. (1-3,5).
[SK 0616 6843] Tumulus. (6). The remains of a large, limestone cairn survive; no evidence of a kerb was seen. Published survey, (25") revised. (7). Beaker sherds (Corpus no 126F) of indeterminate group, found in a central rock cavity, have since been lost. (8).
(SK 06166843) Cairn. (9). Badly damaged cairn with the remains of a kerb on the south-west side. Dug by M. Salt in September 1894, August 1896 and December 1898. Built of limestone, there was a crouched male skeleton in a rock recess with a chert flake. Another skeleton was found in a rock recess with a small round-heeled bronze dagger with two rivets, the third was lost. In a central rock cavity were sherds of Beaker pottery, apparently broken when deposited, type indeterminate. A badly disturbed skeleton was found near the surface. A cremation was also found, with a fabricator. (10).
SK 06176842. Stoop Edge. This badly damaged burial mound of limestone contained at least four inhumations and one cremation. A small bronze, riveted dagger was found with one of the skeletons in Sept 1894. (11,12). It is held at Buxton Museum, acc. DERSB:1470. (14)
SK 061679. Round cairn 370m north west of Stoop. It became a scheduled monument. Site descheduled in February 1993 (Derbyshire 205). (The grid reference of authority 7 is correct). (13).
The interior of the mound has largely been removed and the remainder is heavily cratered. It is built round a low rock outcrop some of which is visible today. The finds made by Salt from 1894 to 1898 were largely near the centre amongst fissures in the outcropping bedrock. The majority of the robbing had taken place previously. In addition to the finds listed in (10), Salt also found a further three inhumations, one was contracted, the other disturbed. A second human cremation was also found, in a bedrock fissure. Elsewhere in the trenches were scattered burnt bones and animal bones. (16).
Large Bronze Age cairn with kerb which has been extensively robbed and the centre removed. The western side has been disturbed and the eastern half was removed leaving only the rim. It was excavated in 1894 to 1895 by Micah Salt who found a male skeleton, chert flake, another skeleton, a bronze dagger, Beaker pottery and a disturbed skeleton. (17).
Sources/Archives (17)
- <1> SDR16175 Article in serial: Ward, J. 1895-7. Proceedings of the Society of Antiqaries, 2nd Series. Vol 16. p261.
- <2> SDR16183 Article in serial: Ward, J. 1897-1899. "Notes within the proceedings for Jan. 26 1899", Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. Volume 17. p315.
- <3> SDR15845 Bibliographic reference: Turner, W. 1899. Ancient Remains near Buxton. p124 and Plate 23, fig.3.
- <4> SDR16188 Article in serial: Ward, J. 1899. 'The Archaeological Congress at Buxton', Buxton Herald.
- <5> SDR6862 Article in serial: Fox, C and Grimes, W F. 1928. 'Corston Beacon, an early Bronze Age cairn in south Pembrokeshire', Archaeologia Cambrensis. Volume 8. p163.
- <6> SDR12081 Map: 1955. OS 6".
- <7> SDR6328 Personal Observation: F1 FRH 25-FEB-66.
- <8> SDR3966 Bibliographic reference: Clarke, D. 1970. Beaker Pottery of Great Britain and Ireland. p2, 478.
- <9> SDR11941 Map: Ordnance Survey (OS). 1975. 1:10000.
- <10> SDR14880 Index: OS. SK 06 NE 15. SK 06 NE 15.
- <11> SDR10791 Index: NDAT. 1976. Microfiche reel 3, JS 15.11.76; CRH 13.5.77.
- <12> SDR8643 Bibliographic reference: Marsden, B. 1977. The Burial Mounds of Derbyshire. p43-4.
- <13> SDR5331 Bibliographic reference: DOE (IAM). 1978. Ancient Monuments of England.
- <14> SDR7460 Verbal communication: M Bishop (Curator). 04/11/1983. Buxton Museum.
- <15> SDR14494 Index: NDAT. 1057. 1057. sketch.
- <16> SDR2466 Unpublished document: Barnatt, J. 1989. The Peak District Barrow Survey (updated 1994). Site 7:8.
- <17> SDR20252 Unpublished document: Taylor, H (PDNPA). 1997. Fough Farm, Hartington Upper and Middle Quarter, Derbyshire, archaeological survey. No.32, p19.
Grid reference | Centred SK 0615 6842 (18m by 17m) (Centre) |
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Record last edited
Aug 27 2015 10:26AM