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Listed Building: PARK HALL (1203414)

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Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 908, 8, 43
Date assigned Wednesday, March 13, 1968
Date last amended


'WALTON BACK LANE 1. 5169 (North Side) Walton Park Hall SK 3569 8/43 13.3.68. II GV 2. Generally of C17 date but some features stylistically earlier and suggest C16 work. The entrance has a reset panel above it inscribed:- 1661 A P I F I. Of coursed rubble with quoins. Main or southern facade of 2 storeys but with eastern projecting gabled wing of 3 storeys. Stone slate roof with coped gable. Diagonal chimney stacks (probably rebuilt). A blocked window on each floor in angle between gabled wing and rest of building. 3 windows, stone mullions, those in gabled wing and all ground floor with dripstone moulds. Of 2, 3 and 4 lights, casements with glazing bars, the top lights with shallow arches. Former off centre door with cambered head, now modern glazing. 1 slope top dormer. 1 storey western outshut contains entrance. Rear gable looks earlier. Interior has some plaster moulded ceilings decorated with roses, oak leaves acorns and blackberries possibly of C16 date. Fireplace and some 6 panelled doors. Listing NGR: SK3555669511.'

External Links (1)

Sources (1)

  • Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 35556 69511 (point)
Map sheet SK36NE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Apr 3 2022 10:42AM

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