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Listed Building: NUMBERS 49-69 (ODD) WITH BUILDING ADJACENT TO NUMBER 49 (1277707)

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Grade II
Authority Historic England
Volume/Map/Item 668, 1, 112
Date assigned Wednesday, September 12, 1990
Date last amended


1. CROMFORD HILL 1390 CROMFORD Nos 49-69 (odd) with building adjacent to No. 49 SK 2856/2956 1/112 II GV 2. Row of eleven houses. Probably 1830s with later alterations, built for workers in the Arkwright mills. The row rises up Cromford Hill under six different roof levels. Coursed rubble; Welsh slate roofs to Nos 59, 61 and 65, corrugated concrete tiling to the others. A 2-storey variant of the Arkwright Phase I type with side stairs against end and party walls; 2-bay front elevations, the entrance bay with no window above. The original windows appear to have had cambered arches: original openings survive to Nos 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 63 and 67 (both floors), Nos 49 and 67 (1st) and 61 (ground); the lintels are damaged to No. 65. Doorways have massive rectangular lintels of inverted T section (renewed to No. 69). Doors mostly half- glazed, and casement windows C20. Red and black brick ridge stacks. Building attached to No. 49 with two doorways to street and loft access and doorway to end wall. Rear elevation with small one and 2-light windows in stone surrounds to 1st floors; some early windows and doorways survive to ground floor also. C19 wings to Nos 49 and 65. Some C20 additions. Two privy blocks at the end of the gardens (some understood to contain early.thunderboxes) are included in this listing. Although altered these houses retain their general characteristics and mark an important stage in the development of Cromford's industrial housing. They are contemporary with Nos 73-91, Cromford Hill (q.v., ref). Listing NGR: SK2939356718

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Grid reference SK 29393 56718 (point)
Map sheet SK25NE

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Record last edited

Nov 27 2008 2:17PM

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