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Listed Building record MDR16452 - Cowley Cottage, off Lea Main Road, Dethick, Lea and Holloway

Type and Period (1)

  • (Stuart to 21st Century - 1692 AD to 2050 AD)

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Full Description

Cowley Cottage, off Lea Main Road, Dethick, Lea and Holloway, built in 1692, but incorporating elements of an earlier ecclesiastical building. From the National Heritage List for England: 'This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 23/12/2015 SK 35 NW 1/71 PARISH OF DETHICK, LEA AND HOLLOWAY, LEA MAIN ROAD (South Side), Cowley Cottage (Formerly listed under LEA MOOR ROAD (South Side)) 29-12-82 GV II House. Dated 1692 incorporating elements of an earlier ecclesiastical building and with later additions and alterations. Massive ashlar gritstone, and coursed squared gritstone with quoins, plain gables, gable end stone stacks, one with moulded cap, and a plain tiled roof. Two contiguous ranges, that to the south taller and of three bays, that to the north of two bays. South range, east elevation: irregular pattern of openings with a flat arched 3-light window with chamfered mullions and trefoil heads to lights; above, a 2-light chamfer mullioned window with deeply moulded reveals. To the north, chamfered quoined surround to doorway with heavy lintel inscribed AR 1692. C20 half-glazed door. Small fixed light above with pointed arched head. Lower north range with a window and a blocked doorway to ground floor, and an altered C18 window within a stone surround. Rear elevation has interrupted continuous dripmould at first floor level. Listing NGR: SK3316857465.' (1)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Listed Building File: Historic England. 2011. The National Heritage List for England.



Grid reference SK 33168 57465 (point)

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Record last edited

Jan 28 2023 7:24PM

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