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Site record MDR24039 - Enclosures, Building and Corn Drying Oven, Off Brassington Lane, Tupton

Type and Period (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Full Description

Enclosures, building and corn drying oven, off Brassington Lane, Tupton, of 11th to 16th century date. Extensive medieval features and deposits were recorded during a program of archaeological works carried out in 2017: 'A series of enclosures were identified on the fringe of a medieval settlement or house platform which appear to form d part of a homestead and toft associated with the deserted medieval village of Tupton. Ceramic evidence suggests an 11th century origin with continued use until approximately the 16th century.' (1) Four phases were recognized, the first three of medieval date and the last phase being post 16th century activity: Phase I was dated to the late 11th century and included the remains of one building, two enclosures, and ridge and furrow. The buildings wall lines were represented by robber trenches, robbed out walls, and beam slots. Enclosure 1 was established over a terrace partially created from redeposited natural, Building 1 was located towards the west of Enclosure 1. Enclosure 2 was represented by a narrow ditch defined plot at the north part of the excavation area and probably extends further north. Pottery of an undocumented type was provisionally dated to the later 11th century. (1) The beginning of Phase II was dated to the early to mid-12th century and included the demolition of Building 1, wall removal, and backfilling of trenches. The general plan of Enclosures 1 and 2 were kept during this phase, and continued until probably as late as the 14th century. Enclosure 3 was created as a ditched sub-enclosure to Enclosure 1, possibly in the late 12th or early 13th century. A number of pits containing waste products from iron smelting were recorded, although analysis thought the slag may have been produced off site. (1) Phase III was dated to the mid-13th to mid-14th centuries. This phase included the creation of Enclosures 4 and 5, over where Enclosure 3 had been. A substantial circular kiln, probably a large corn drying oven was built at the eastern edge of Enclosure 5. The kiln was out of use by the mid-14th century. (1) Phase IV represents post-medieval activity, from the 16th century onwards. With the establishment of Tupton Hall to the east, this specific area was landscaped as an orchard, and later a garden related to it. The enclosures appear to have been levelled down, two ponds were excavated and later infilled. Other features included a drainage gully, pit and postholes, thought to represent subdivisions within properties. (1) The finds, covering all phases, included a relatively substantial amount of pottery, iron slag, a single hand quern fragment, architectural stone fragments and molded stone, macro plant remains and charcoal. (1)

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Halton, C, M Burpoe and R Thorpe (ARS Ltd.). 2017. Excavations at Brassington Lane, Old Tupton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire.



Grid reference Centred SK 3914 6509 (78m by 71m)

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • EDR5325
  • EDR5324
  • EDR5295

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Record last edited

Aug 17 2024 2:10PM

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