Monument record MDR3888 - Northern Dale lead mines, Northern Dale, South Darley
Type and Period (6)
- DRAINAGE LEVEL (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- ENGINE HOUSE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- BUDDLE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- MINE SHAFT (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- LEAD MINE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- COE (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
Full Description
Extensive surface and underground lead mine workings. Old Ash Mine entrance in Northern Dale leads into extensive pipe workings which date to at least 1653 and could be Roman or Medieval in origin. Tearsall sough is the second oldest in Derbyshire (behind Vermuyden's sough) dating to 1635. The area includes Dale Field Engine shaft which had a Newcomen engine in 1744 and a buddling complex using water from Tearsall pipe caverns. Lords and Ladies mine is a narrow and flat worked mine in reef limestone, a unique occurrence in the Derbyshire ore field. (1-5)
Scheduled. (6)
17th and 18th century workings in a complex pipe with evidence of fire setting and possible line blasting. (7, 8). Photographic record. (9)
Surface remains, comprising fine examples of hillocks along numerous small veins and pipe/flat workings, many still relatively intact. There are many capped shafts, some with dressing floors. The Tearsall engine shaft remains with an adjacent coe, while at the nearby Hit and Miss Mine there are ore-dressing features, including small pits on a series of flat platforms, a ruined rectangular coe nearby, and a circular example above. The gin circle at Dalefield Mine has recently been removed. Above Northern Dale at the Old Ash Mines there is a stone-lined buddle, with another further north, and the probable foundations of a Newcomen pumping engine house, with cinders, etc, known as the Snitterton Park Fire Engine. In waste tips at the base of the hillside there are hillocks associated with at least two soughs that sometimes still issue water. The underground workings in Northern Dale, at Old Ash Mine and the adjacent Lords and Ladies Mine, are particularly important as rare examples of demonstrably early workings with evidence for firesetting with coal and ‘woodpecker’ pickwork, and also with fine packs of deads, sledways, water channels and ventilation walls. The flattings mined at Lords and Ladies Mine outcrop on the dale side and have been mined at surface to the south. The Hit and Mine (Tearsall Pipe Caverns no. 2) pipe workings are also important as examples of complex small workings, some probably early, with a large number of small shafts from surface. Mines somewhere at Northern Dale and Tearsall are documented as active in the 1530s and 1540s respectively. The site as a whole has extensive surface evidence for the relative age of mining and medieval strip lynchets/ridge and furrow. (10)
In Northern Dale a buddle dam, buddles and leats have been identified. Underground research at the mines here have provided radiocarbon dates and identified further early workings, including those at Northern Dale Pipe. (11)
Site monitoring has been carried out. See form for details. (12)
Sources/Archives (12)
- <1> SDR12695 Bibliographic reference: Pers Comm: Rieuwerts, J.: 1988.
- <2> SDR4918 Bibliographic reference: Desc. Text: Bull.PDMHS: Fundall, R.:1974: A survey of a mine in Tearsall Rough: vol 5: no 6: 373-80.
- <3> SDR4917 Bibliographic reference: Desc. Text: Bull PDMHS: N. Kirkham: 1962: Tearsall and Dallfield Soughs: vol 1: No 6: 3-14.
- <4> SDR4920 Bibliographic reference: Desc. Text: Rieuwerts, J.: 1987: History and Gazeteer of the Lead Mine Soughs of Derbyshire.
- <5> SDR4919 Bibliographic reference: Desc. Text: Ford, J. and Rieuwerts, J.: 1983: Lead Mining in the Peak District: p112.
- <6> SDR639 Scheduling record: English Heritage. 1998. Scheduling Notification. 30945. 400. Cat. No.: 400.
- <7> SDR18744 Map: Barmasters Colletion, Chatsworth House.
- <8> SDR19109 Bibliographic reference: Hill, R (PPJPB). 1985. Peak Park Treasures. C83.
- <9> SDR18971 Photograph: Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA). Slide Collection. 12728.1-2. 1/86:12728: 3-11. 11/76.
- <10> SDR19821 Bibliographic reference: Barnatt, J. 2004. An Inventory of Regionally & Nationally Important Lead Mining Sites in the Peak District. Vol. 2: Corpus of Sites. Site 99.
- <11> SDR21540 Bibliographic reference: Barnatt, J. 2005. Updated Inventory of Regionally & Nationally Important Lead Mining Sites in the Peak District.. p 4, site no. 99.
- <12> SDR22255 Unpublished document: Burrow, L (PDNPA). 2008. Scheduled Monument Monitoring Form: Northern Dale Lead Mines.
Grid reference | Centred SK 26778 60457 (825m by 995m) |
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- EDR3241
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Record last edited
Sep 11 2017 3:40PM