Number of records found: 594
Monument record: MDR7880 Romano-British pottery and querns, Park Farm area, Risley (Find Spot)Various objects collected in the fields around Park Farm over the years include lead objects, Romano-British pottery and querns
Monument record: MDR8080 Cropmark features 500m north of Hoonhay, Hoon (Monument)Linear features and possible pits identified on aerial photographs
Monument record: MDR830 Quernstone, St Oswald's church, Ashbourne (Find Spot)The top stone of a Romano-British beehive quern was found at Ashbourne church (?in the churchyard?) probably in or before the 1960s
Monument record: MDR8993 Building (site of) associated with Repton Priory, Repton (Monument)The site of a building thought to be an outlying building of the same date as the founding of the Norman priory, and most likely used as a barn.
Monument record: MDR11159 Artefact scatter, Elmton Park Farm, Elmton (Monument)A small amount of lithic material and one Romano-British potsherd were found during fieldwalking in October 2005
Monument record: MDR11351 Mid-Late Iron Age occupation site and earlier features, Aston Hall Hospital, Weston-on-Trent (Monument)Mid-Late Iron Age occupation site features that indicate a move from open to bounded landscapes. Some Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age features are also represented. Residual Neolithic material is perhaps indicative that an earlier site was also present here.
Monument record: MDR11507 Dominican Friary (site of), Friar Gate, Derby (Site)13th century priory of Dominican friars; dissolved in 1539, but some remains may be preserved within the Friary Hotel (SMR 18956). Extent of precinct is conjectural.
Monument record: MDR12181 Pump Room, The Crescent, Buxton (Listed Building)Pump Room opened in 1894 to provide enlarged facilities where people could drink the thermal water and meet socially.
Monument record: MDR12260 Presbytery, Royle House, Church Street, Glossop (Listed Building)A late 18th century Presbytery that was rebuilt in 1836. It adjoins All Saints' Roman Catholic Church (SMR 6192).
Monument record: MDR12296 St Mary's Roman Catholic Church, St Mary's Road, New Mills (Building)A Roman Catholic Church that was built in 1845-6.