Number of records found: 595
Monument record: MDR11186 Route of 'The Portway' (conjectural route of), Derbyshire (Site)Medieval trackway, possibly used in the Saxon period. Suggested as having prehistoric origins, linking Derbyshire hillforts.
Monument record: MDR11268 Medieval ridge and furrow, Bristol Street Motors site, Derby (Monument)Medieval ridge and furrow found during excavation in 2007
Monument record: MDR12631 St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bank Road, Matlock Town (Building)A Roman Catholic Church that was built in 1882-3. A presbytery was added in 1896-7.
Monument record: MDR13315 Romano-British pottery south-west of Borrowash Bridge, Elvaston (Monument)32 sherds of Romano-British pottery were recovered from the topsoil west of the road between Elvaston and Borrowash during an archaeological watching brief in 2011
Monument record: MDR2514 Possible Roman Fort or Camp, Cropmarks, Off Drakelow Road, Walton upon Trent (Site)Possible Roman fort or camp, cropmarks, off Drakelow Road, Walton upon Trent.
Monument record: MDR252 Poole's Cavern, Green Lane, Buxton (Site)Prehistoric and Roman activity in a cave on the southern edge of Buxton. Occupied by an outlaw named Poole in the late 16th century.
Monument record: MDR4560 Roman Bridge (site of), Little Chester, Derby (Monument)Approximate site of a Roman bridge across the River Derwent
Monument record: MDR7691 Cropmarks, Etwall Road, Willington (Site)Features interpreted as possible ring ditches, and enclosures identified from aerial photographs; possibly some peri-glacial features also.
Monument record: MDR10068 Roman pottery, Hazelwood Road, Hazelwood (Find Spot)A Roman pottery scatter was found at this approximate location in or about 1962.
Monument record: MDR10553 Bronze Age cremation cemetery, Pastures Hill, Littleover, Derby (Monument)Several cremations were identified in two evaluation trenches in 2003. One was excavated and shown to be Bronze Age.