Number of records found: 594
Monument record: MDR709 Roman Road (suggested), Brough (Navio) to Melandra (Ardotalia), through Charlesworth (Monument)Roman Road (estimated), Brough (Navio) to Melandra (Ardotalia).
Monument record: MDR5350 Eyres' Roman Catholic Chapel, off Newbold Road, Chesterfield (Listed Building)Eyres' Roman Catholic Chapel, off Newbold Road, Chesterfield, a restored, repurposed medieval chapel.
Monument record: MDR717 Doctor's Gate (possible route of), through Hope Woodlands (Monument)Packhorse route with alleged Roman (or earlier) origins.
Monument record: MDR12206 Roman brooch and pottery, 93 Belper Road, Derby (Find Spot)Excavations in the garden of 93 Belper Road produced a bronze bow brooch and some pottery sherds from disturbed ground that also contained post-medieval material
Monument record: MDR346 Paved road, junction of London Road and Leek Road, Buxton (Monument)Traces of a paved road, possibly but not necessarily Roman, were found 600mm below the road junction in or before the late 1970s.
Monument record: MDR23030 Mesolithic, Roman, Medieval and Post Medieval Finds, Junction of Hassop Road and A6020, Hassop (Find Spot)Mesolithic, Roman, medieval and post medieval unstratified finds, junction of Hassop Road and A6020, Hassop.
Monument record: MDR311 ?Roman Milestone, Fern House, Buxton (Monument)A large millstone grit pillar of possible Roman origin has been recorded in the area of Fern House.
Monument record: MDR338 Roman pottery, Holker Road, Buxton (Find Spot)Roman pottery was found east of Holker Road when the adjacent railway was built.
Monument record: MDR4578 Roman Site, Parker's Piece, Little Chester, Derby (Monument)Potential for Roman remains between bath-house and Roman Fort
Monument record: MDR22837 Possible Roman Ditch and Features, West of Derby Road, Aston upon Trent (Site)Ditch and features of possible Roman date, west of Derby Road, Aston upon Trent.