Number of records found: 595
Monument record: MDR6499 Whaley I Rock Shelter, Whaley, Old Bolsover (Monument)Rock shelter excavated by A L Armstrong in 1937; human remains, flints, and Romano-British pottery recovered
Monument record: MDR6501 Prehistoric and Romano-British finds, Whaley Spring, Bolsover Moor, Old Bolsover (Monument)During cable laying in 1938 a number of finds were recovered from the trench, including flint flakes and Romano-British pottery
Monument record: MDR6509 Prehistoric and Romano-British occupation, Whaley, Elmton (Monument)Small 2nd century settlement site found in c. 1937. Downslope, evidence of prehistoric activity was found.
Monument record: MDR6513 Artefact scatters, Mill Farm, Scarcliffe (Monument)Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age flint together with Romano- British, medieval and post-medieval pottery was collected by L B Cooper during fieldwalking in 1978
Monument record: MDR6535 Flint scatter and cropmarks, Oxpasture Lane, Elmton (Monument)Various flint artefacts were collected from the ploughsoil in 1978. Cropmarks of Iron Age/Roman enclosures and ditches have also been identified in this area.
Monument record: MDR6547 Roman site, west of Whaley village, Old Bolsover (Monument)Flints and Romano-British pottery collected by C. R. Hart in 1977 on the site of a circular or D shaped enclosure showing on an aerial photograph. Post-medieval ridge and furrow cropmarks have also been identified here.
Monument record: MDR6549 Romano-British site, Grave Wood, Whaley, Old Bolsover (Monument)Romano-British 'knoll site' with pottery, probably associated with the Romano-British settlement in nearby Scarcliffe Park, located in 1977
Monument record: MDR7091 Willington: Ring Ditch (Barrow 2), North of Egginton Brook (Monument)See composite record SMR 27928.
Monument record: MDR7692 Circular and linear cropmarks, Willington (Monument)Cropmarks representing a probable Bronze Age barrow and Iron Age/Romano-British field boundaries have been identified on aerial photographs.
Monument record: MDR8066 Ridge and furrow, south-east of Borrowash Bridge, Elvaston (Monument)Earthwork ridge and furrow recorded during fieldwork in 1995