Number of records found: 595
Monument record: MDR24031 Iron Age Enclosure, Features, and Possible Field System, Off Worksop Road, Mastin Moor, Staveley (Site)Iron Age enclosure, features, and possible field system, Off Worksop Road, Mastin Moor, Staveley.
Monument record: MDR8152 Romano-British enclosures and other features, Willington Quarry (Site)A series of archaeological features initially identified during geophysical and LiDAR surveys prior: On closer examination the features turned out mainly to be a sequence of Romano-British enclosures and field boundariesthat were established in the mid C2nd, were reorganized in the C3rd before going out of use in the C4th.
Monument record: MDR951 Earthwork trackway, north-east of Lombards Green, Parwich (Monument)Low, flat topped bank which was an old trackway used to link limekilns to roads.
Monument record: MDR10268 Former Markeaton Mills, Markeaton Street, Derby (Monument)Colour works founded after corn milling ceased on the site before 1818
Monument record: MDR10965 Roman lead pig, Matlock Bank, Matlock Town (Find Spot)Lead pig found in 1783 'near Matlock Bank' - exact findspot not known
Monument record: MDR11609 Derby to Hurdlow (via Ashbourne) Turnpike Road, Derbyshire Dales, Amber Valley and Derby (Monument)One of the earliest turnpike roads in Derbyshire, sanctioned by an Act of 1738.
Monument record: MDR11642 Cropmarks east of Rotherham Road, Barlborough (Monument)A cropmark enclosure and field system, possibly Late Iron Age/Romano-British, were identified on aerial photographs taken in 1999.
Monument record: MDR13240 Brooch and coins, Minninglow Hill, Ballidon (Find Spot)A penannular brooch was found with c. 15 Roman coins and a pin in 1994
Monument record: MDR14251 Hayfield medieval parkland, Hayfield (Monument)Medieval parkland with a variety of uses.
Monument record: MDR14518 Trackway and field boundaries (site of), west of Willington (Site)Iron Age/Roman field boundaries and a trackway were visible as cropmarks in 1995, but have since been destroyed by gravel extraction.