Source/Archive record SDR22089 - Derbyshire Industrial Archaeology: A Gazetteer of Sites, Part III, Borough of Amber Valley (second edition)
Title | Derbyshire Industrial Archaeology: A Gazetteer of Sites, Part III, Borough of Amber Valley (second edition) |
Author/Originator | Fowkes, D (ed.) |
Date/Year | 2011 |
Published by Derbyshire Archaeological Society.
Derbyshire County Council SMR Library Shelves
Referenced Monuments (121)
- MDR14363 Adam's Pond, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR9595 Alfreton Colliery and branch line (remains of), off Meadow Lane, Alfreton (Monument)
- MDR9622 Amber Wharf lime kilns, aka Crich Lime Works (site of), Ambergate (Monument)
- MDR4661 Arched Footbridge and Mill Offices, Bridge Foot, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR4658 Belper Cutting, North Midland Railway, Belper (Building)
- MDR4652 Belper North Mill, Bridge Foot, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14175 Belper Pool Bridge, northwest of Matlock Road, Belper (Monument)
- MDR14341 Blacksmith's Forge, Langley Mill (Monument)
- MDR9634 Bourne's Stone Bottle Factory, Ironville (Monument)
- MDR14325 Bridge (remains of), Aldreads Lane, Heanor (Monument)
- MDR14324 Bridge (remains of), Mansfield Road, Heanor (Monument)
- MDR14348 Bridge, off Ripley Road, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14352 Butterley Reservoir, Butterley (Monument)
- MDR14353 Butterley Station, Butterley Hill, Ripley (Listed Building)
- MDR9619 Butterley workers housing, Hammersmith (Building)
- MDR14349 Canal Bridge and Embankment, B6013 and Ripley Road, Ripley (Listed Building)
- MDR14374 Canal Bridge, Long Lane, Shipley (Listed Building)
- MDR14375 Canal Buildings, Erewash Canal, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR9382 Canal Lock, Cromford Canal, Ironville (Listed Building)
- MDR14331 Codnor Park Reservoir, Codnor Park, Codnor (Monument)
- MDR14343 Codnor Park Wharf, Stoneyford, see also SMR21804 (Monument)
- MDR5917 Colliery Head Gear, Brittain Colliery, Butterley Park Road, Ripley (Listed Building)
- MDR14365 Coppice Inn and Restaurant, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR14347 Cottages, Mapperley Village, Mapperley (Monument)
- MDR14368 Cottages, Shipley Village (Monument)
- MDR13783 Coxbench Quarry, Castle Wood, Coxbench
- MDR14329 Coxbench Station, Alfreston Road, Horsley (Monument)
- MDR9599 De Bradelei House, Chapel Street, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR5754 Dismantled railway, Shipley - Heanor Branch of the Great Northern Railway (Monument)
- MDR14172 Disused gritstone quarry, Alport Lane, Ashleyhay (Monument)
- MDR14326 Edwardian Letter Box, Breach Road, Langley, Heanor (Monument)
- MDR14193 Embankment and accommodation bridge, south of Waingroves Road, Codnor (Monument)
- MDR14372 Embankment and Remains of Railway Bridge, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR14373 Erewash Canal Aqueduct, North of Long Lane, Shipley (Listed Building)
- MDR14360 Factory Buildings, Wellington Street, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14334 Forge Row, Ironville (Monument)
- MDR14362 Former brewery, Nottingham Road, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14332 Former Canal Bridge, Near Market Place, Ironville (Listed Building)
- MDR14335 Former Canal Stables, Ironville (Monument)
- MDR10950 Former corn mill, Mill Green, Crich (Monument)
- MDR14320 Former Electricity Sub-Station, Burns Street, Heanor (Building)
- MDR14327 Former Framework Knitter's Shop, Town Street, Holbrook (Listed Building)
- MDR14938 Former Framework Knitter's Shop, Well Yard, Holbrook (Listed Building)
- MDR14337 Former Gas Works (site of), North Street, Langley Mill (Monument)
- MDR14356 Former Marehay Colliery and Tramway (site of), Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14170 Former Nailor's Workshop, No. 8 Joseph Street, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14350 Former Smithy, Buckland Hollow, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14166 Fritchley Sough, Kirkham Lane, Fritchley, Crich (Monument)
- MDR14355 Heage Colliery (site of), Bond Lane, Heage (Monument)
- MDR4955 Heage Windmill, off School Lane, Ripley (Listed Building)
- MDR14321 Heanor (Midland) Station (site of), Heanor (Monument)
- MDR14369 Hogg's Pond, Shipley Village (Monument)
- MDR14330 Idridgehay Station, Idridgehay and Alton (Listed Building)
- MDR10145 Jessop Monument, Monument Lane, Ironville (Listed Building)
- MDR8486 Kilbourne Colliery (remains of), Kilburn (Monument)
- MDR5758 Loscoe Dam, Loscoe (Monument)
- MDR10111 Loscoe water corn mill (site of) and mill ponds, Heanor Road, Loscoe (Monument)
- MDR9615 Lower Birchwood Colliery (site of), Somercotes (Monument)
- MDR9975 Manor Quarry, Duffieldbank, Duffield (Monument)
- MDR14345 Mapperley Reservoir, Mapperley (Monument)
- MDR14366 Marlpool Station (site of), Shipley (Monument)
- MDR14367 Michael House School, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR11724 Midland Railway, Ripley branch (route of), Amber Valley and Erewash (Monument)
- MDR11662 Milestone, Makeney Road, Holbrook (Monument)
- MDR7782 Milford Cotton Mill Complex, Derby Road, Milford (Monument)
- MDR14171 Milford Primary School, Chevin Road, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR9616 Nos. 12-16 The Common, Crich (Listed Building)
- MDR9654 Nos. 1-5 Chevin Alley, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14177 Nos. 25-36 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14174 Nos. 26-36 Short Rows, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14178 Nos. 40-53 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14173 Nos. 4-13 Crown Terrace, Bridge Street, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14183 Nos. 5-6 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14179 Nos. 58-63 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14180 Nos. 64-67 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14181 Nos. 68-70 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14182 Nos. 71-77 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14176 Nos. 7-20 Long Row, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR14364 Osborne's Pond, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR14357 Part of Former Textile Mill, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14215 Paved concrete railway track, The North Midland Railway, Duffield/Little Eaton (Monument)
- MDR10094 Pentrich (or Hamlyn) Mill, Amberside Farm, Pentrich (Monument)
- MDR14378 Pond, Bell Lane, Smalley (Monument)
- MDR14328 Quarry, Alfreton Road, Holbrook (Monument)
- MDR12404 Railway bridge, Ambergate & Pyebridge branch of the Midland Railway (disused) (Monument)
- MDR14359 Railway Bridge, Butterley Hill, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14354 Railway Bridge, Coach Road, Butterley (Monument)
- MDR14340 Railway Bridge, Lime Avenue, Langley Mill (Monument)
- MDR14358 Railway Bridge, Lowes Hill, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR14346 Railway Bridge, Mapperley Lane, Mapperley (Monument)
- MDR14339 Railway Bridge, Milnhay Road, Langley Mill (Monument)
- MDR14370 Railway Bridge, Shipley (Monument)
- MDR14322 Railway Bridge, Shipley Park, Heanor (Monument)
- MDR14338 Railway Bridge, Station Road, Langley Mill (Monument)
- MDR14344 Railway Bridges, Park Hall Lane, Mapperley (Monument)
- MDR9690 Railway Station (remains of), Derby Road, Belper (Monument)
- MDR14194 Railway trackbed, former Midland Railway, east of Loscoe (Monument)
- MDR14377 Remains of Aqueduct, Shottle (Monument)
- MDR14379 Remains of Swanwick Colliery, Somercotes (Monument)
- MDR9613 Riddings Ironworks and tramway, aka Alfreton Works, Riddings. (Monument)
- MDR13558 Ridgeway Quarry, Crich Lane, Ambergate (Monument)
- MDR14361 Ripley Station (site of), Ripley (Monument)
- MDR4660 River Weirs, Retaining Walls and Sluices, off Bridge Foot, Belper (Listed Building)
- MDR9833 Robin Hood Industrial Complex and Saw Mill, Oxhay Wood, Whatstandwell, Crich (Monument)
- MDR7576 Route of Crich Mineral Railway, Crich and Ripley (Site)
- MDR12786 Saw Mill, Kedleston Park, Weston Underwood (Listed Building)
- MDR14376 Shottle Station, Shottle (Monument)
- MDR10957 South Wingfield Corn Mill, Church Lane, South Wingfield (Building)
- MDR14371 Station Master's House, Marlpool (Monument)
- MDR14342 Stoneyford or Benty Wharf, Stoneyford (Monument)
- MDR9594 Swanwick Colliery and branch line (site of), Thornton Park, Alfreton (Monument)
- MDR8781 The Cromford Canal. (Site)
- MDR14216 'The Hat Factory', Dimple Lane, Crich (Building)
- MDR12156 The Limekilns, Windley (Monument)
- MDR14323 The Old Pottery, Abbott Street, Heanor (Monument)
- MDR4689 The Openwoodgate Branch Lines of the Little Eaton Gangway (Site)
- MDR9617 Two railway bridges (site of), Hammersmith, Ripley (Monument)
- MDR9831 Wakebridge Lead Mine, Wakebridge, Crich (Site)
- MDR14333 Workers' housing terrace, Victoria Street, Ironville (Building)
- MDR14336 Workers' housing, Albert Street, Ironville (Monument)
- MDR14351 Workers housing, Butterley Hill, Butterley (Building)
Referenced Events (0)
Referenced Designations (0)
External Links (0)
Record last edited
Nov 27 2023 6:15AM